Technology Partners
The advent of the pandemic has seen a rapid change in the way large businesses function. Many have pivoted toward a Work From Home (WFM) or Hybrid model, posing challenges in building a Technology infrastructure to cater to such needs. Operational issues surface and management of large scale outsourced operations is beset with problems.
Vasutti’s Consulting & Competency Building offerings in this space help clients to aspire for NPS Leadership in a calibrated manner. We provide deep diagnostics to unearth issues & opportunities, Redesign customer facing processes, create detail insights leveraging functional analytics approach, recommend implementable solutions and co-own implementation. Our custom-made training intervention ‘REMOTE’ further smoothens the operational challenges in WFM environment.
As a boutique consulting firm, Vasutti believes in providing best end to end solutions for our clients through business partnerships & alliances. Vasutti has partnered with OZONETEL – one of the best cloud based service providers to tackle the current operational concerns faced by Clients. OZONETEL offers secure & cloud-based communication solutions to provide better customer experience at a lower cost for contact centres.
OZONETEL provides state of the art AI & Omnichannel tools with intelligent monitoring. Coupled with Vasutti’s expertise, it provides an effective solution to clients towards optimizing cost and achieving NPS Leadership.
Customer Seeking Solutions
- Call center operations
- CRM Integration
- Cloud-based Support
- Channel Integration
- Self Help Automation
- Analytical insights
- Enhanced NPS & CSAT
- Effective Remote Mgt. (WFM)
Vasutti Transforming Performance
Enriching Businesses
Partnership builds trust and trust builds speed
Ozonetel Solutions:
- Secure & Stable Cloud-based solution
- CRM Integration
- Intelligent Queue & Performance Monitoring
- AI Based Omnichannel Platform
- Inbuilt DR & BC Solutions