Building Lasting Success: Vasutti’s Approach to Capability Building and Sustainable Implementation

In the ever-evolving business landscape, adaptability and resilience have emerged as indispensable traits for organizations aiming to achieve and sustain success. The key to thriving in this dynamic environment lies in the continuous development of an organization’s most valuable asset—its people. As a consultant with a focus on driving peak performance, I’ve witnessed firsthand the …

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Difficult Conversations with Customers

The advent of Social Media, among other things, has significantly altered the nuances of Customer Experience. Impatient customers are increasingly aware of the spread of social media and have adroitly leveraged it. Customer-centric organizations recognize this shift and attempt to address customer issues in time, before they go ‘viral’. They do so through a raft …

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customer communication training

Customer Communication – The Broken Parts

Reams have been written over communication! Organizations are acutely aware of the importance of communication and hire agencies to help them craft their communication with the media, public, stakeholders etc. There are myriad, well written case studies which outline how mature organizations raised the bar on communication during crises and garnered acclaim with their gravitas …

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customer retention strategies

Customer Retention – Key Differentiators

A Note on Customer Retention Most organizations cite the importance of Customer Retention, but few actually are able to make it happen. A key reason is that customer attrition is usually the build-up of several events that set the course. Organizations attempt to address this in a piecemeal manner without a comprehensive assessment of customer …

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people wearing diy masks

7 Awesome Tips To Manage Your Team Effectively In Today’s World

“Tough times don’t last. Tough teams do.” And that’s what the New Normal will test. This saying is so true of the situation that many teams are facing today. These teams may be in the corporate sector, healthcare sector, education sector, or any other sector. A very interesting study was conducted by EY recently & was …

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Caregiver Services – A growing need – A large scale business and employment opportunity

150 million additional elderly aged 65+, between today and 2030. This number seems astronomical, but true; and here are some examples of what the scenario is changing to. Some typical situations with the elderly An elderly couple and their three daughters and sons in law have been living together for 25 years. The couple have …

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Microsoft Teams

Recruitments & Retrenchments – Responsible Employee Management

A company I used to work for had a program with 4000 people managing customer care for a telco. The last of its centers was recently shut down, as another service provider took over. Another large entity recently decided to shut shop since a section of the business they were running was not profitable. Two …

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Microsoft Teams, Leadership training

Leadership Team commitment to Customer Retention- the key to sustained business growth

There are only two types of people in any organisation – those who serve the customers and those who serve the people serving customers. Others do not exist! A number of organisations mention customer centricity as a value in their mission statement. However, ensuring this is imbibed by every employee and translated into consistent customer …

Leadership Team commitment to Customer Retention- the key to sustained business growth Read More »

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